Test Automation
February 5, 2024

Top 5 GUI Testing Tools in 2024

User interface (UI) plays a critical role in determining the success of any application. A well-designed and functional UI significantly enhances the user experience, while a poorly implemented UI leads to frustration and abandonment.

That's why it's crucial for product teams to thoroughly test their graphical user interfaces (GUIs) before releasing their software to the public. GUI testing tools, also known as GUI automation testing tools, automate the testing process, saving time and resources while ensuring that GUIs are user-friendly and bug-free.

This article will explore the best GUI testing tools available in 2024. We will delve into their features, strengths, and ideal use cases, empowering product teams to make informed decisions when selecting the right tool for their projects. 

What is a GUI Testing Tool?

GUI testing, or graphical user interface testing, evaluates the functionality and usability of an application's user interface. It tests elements such as buttons, forms, menus, and other interactive components to ensure they work as intended and provide a seamless user experience. These tools often provide features such as object identification, test scripting, test execution, result reporting, and integration capabilities.

Top 5 GUI Testing Tools to Try Out in 2024

Sahi Pro

Sahi Pro is an enterprise-grade GUI testing tool that simplifies automation of desktop, browser, SAP GUI and mobile applications. It is a single tool to automate all technologies. Sahi Pro lets you accomplish automation with minimal technical knowledge & effort.

Key Features

1. Business Driven Test Automation

Sahi Pro facilitates Business Driven Test Automation (BDTA) that allows testers to create and organize automation scripts without programming knowledge. It offers a user-friendly spreadsheet-like interface that makes it easy for business testers to automate their testing processes.

2. Saves time and resources

With features like Powerful Recorder, Smart Identification, Data Drive, and Parallel Playback, it is easier to adopt and scale the automation process effortlessly. This significantly reduces the time required for automating the business processes.

3. Automatic waiting and synchronization

Sahi Pro's GUI testing operation includes built-in mechanisms for automatic waiting and synchronization. This ensures that test scripts wait for the correct elements to load, reducing the chances of false positives or failures due to timing issues.

4. End to End Automation

Sahi Pro is adept in automating various technologies like Web, Web Services, Mobile, Desktop, SAP GUI and Java. Sahi Pro supports automation across various platforms and environments, ensuring compatibility and flexibility. It is also equipped with artificial intelligence based automation using Image Recognition and Optical Character Recognition. Evidently, Sahi Pro is a single tool to automate any type of application facilitating end-to-end business process automation.

5. Detailed logs and reports

Sahi Pro provides detailed logs and intuitive reports for each test execution. These reports help testers identify and debug issues more efficiently, allowing for faster resolution and improved test coverage.

6. Integration Capabilities

Sahi Pro seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, enabling you to incorporate automation into your continuous integration workflow. This ensures your runs are automatically triggered providing quick feedback on the automated processes.

Ideal for

Sahi Pro's GUI features are ideal for business testers who are seeking a low-code automation tool. It also benefits organizations that develop software and must test functional flows quickly and accurately.


Squish is a powerful GUI testing tool developed by Froglogic. It extensively supports testing various web, mobile, and desktop applications. Squish stands out for its versatility, ease of use, and robust automation capabilities.

Key Features 

  1. Multi-Platform Support: Squish supports testing on various platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. This makes it ideal for teams working on cross-platform applications.
  2. Scripting Flexibility: Squish offers flexibility with support for popular programming languages such as JavaScript, Perl, Python, and Ruby. This allows testers to leverage their preferred scripting language for test automation.
  3. Visual Testing: Squish has advanced visual testing capabilities that enable testers to compare screenshots, detect UI differences, and ensure consistent visual rendering across different devices and platforms. 

Ideal for: Squish is an excellent choice for product teams working on applications that require cross-platform compatibility and diverse scripting language support. Its visual testing capabilities make it particularly suitable for projects where visual consistency is crucial.


AutoIT is an open-source GUI testing tool designed to automate Windows GUI applications. It provides a simple, user-friendly scripting language that allows testers to automate repetitive tasks and simulate user interactions with Windows applications.

Key Features 

  1. Windows Automation: AutoIT specializes in automating Windows GUI applications, making it an ideal choice for teams working on Windows-centric projects. It can interact with GUI elements, manipulate windows, and simulate keyboard and mouse actions.
  2. Simple Scripting Language: AutoIT uses a straightforward scripting language that is easy to learn and understand. Testers can quickly write scripts to automate GUI interactions without the need for extensive programming knowledge.
  3. Extensive Community Support: AutoIT has a vibrant community of users who actively contribute to its development and provide support to fellow testers. This community-driven approach ensures that AutoIT remains up-to-date and offers a wealth of resources for users.

Ideal for

AutoIT is well-suited for product teams focused on Windows applications requiring extensive GUI interaction automation. Thanks to its user-friendly scripting language, it is particularly beneficial for testers without advanced programming skills.


UFT One, formerly HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT), is a comprehensive GUI tool developed by Micro Focus. It offers various features and supports multiple technologies, making it a popular choice for enterprise-level testing.

Key Features 

  1. Broad Technology Support: UFT One supports various technologies, including web, mobile, desktop, and API testing. It integrates seamlessly with popular development environments and provides extensive testing capabilities across different platforms.
  2. Keyword-Driven Testing: UFT One offers a keyword-driven testing approach, allowing testers to create test cases using a visual interface and predefined keywords. This simplifies the test creation process and makes it accessible to non-technical team members.
  3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE): UFT One has a feature-rich IDE that provides a comprehensive testing environment. It includes test creation, debugging, result analysis, and test management tools, offering a seamless end-to-end testing experience.

Ideal for

UFT One is an excellent choice for enterprise-level teams that require a comprehensive testing tool with broad technology support. Its keyword-driven approach and integrated IDE suit teams with diverse skill sets.


TestComplete is a powerful GUI testing tool developed by SmartBear. It offers many features and supports multiple technologies, making it a versatile choice for testing web, mobile, and desktop applications.

Key Features

  1. Record and Replay: TestComplete allows testers to record user interactions and replay them as automated tests. This feature simplifies the test creation process by eliminating the need for extensive scripting or programming knowledge.
  2. Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing: TestComplete supports testing across various browsers and platforms, ensuring that applications function correctly in different environments. It provides comprehensive support for popular web browsers and mobile devices.
  3. Test Visualizer: TestComplete includes a Test Visualizer feature that visually represents test results, making it easy to analyze and understand test outcomes. This visual feedback enhances collaboration and communication within the product teams.

Ideal for

TestComplete is well-suited for product teams that require a versatile testing tool capable of testing applications across multiple technologies, browsers, and platforms. Its record and replay feature makes it accessible to testers with varying technical expertise.

How to Choose a GUI Testing Tool?

When selecting a GUI testing tool, it is important to ensure that the tool aligns with your project requirements. Below are some factors to consider when evaluating the tools.

1. Automation capabilities

Assess the tool's automation capabilities and determine whether it aligns with your desired level of test automation. Consider features such as object identification, script creation, and execution efficiency.

2. Supported technologies

List the different types of applications like Web, Mobile, Desktop, SAP GUI etc. that you want to automate. Verify that the tool can automate all the types of applications used in your project. Check if your application contains any custom, hybrid or non-trivial interfaces which are difficult to automate. Test the tool's capabilities in automating such interfaces.

3. Easy to adapt

Check if your team has the technical capability necessary to learn the tool's scripting language and framework. Evaluate the learning curve of the tool to ensure that your team can easily automate using the tool.

4. Cross-platform and cross-browser testing

Based on your project requirements, list the different operating systems like Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS that need to be supported. Also, list the browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer that you want to automate. Choose a tool that supports all the platforms and browsers based on your requirements.

5. Integration with other tools

Verify if the tool can integrate with the tools you use for CI/CD integration, test management systems, and reporting tools.


GUI testing is an essential aspect of software development that ensures an application's user interface's functionality, usability, and quality. By utilizing the best GUI testing tools in 2024, product teams can automate the testing process, save time and resources, and deliver high-quality applications.

Remember, selecting the right GUI testing tool is crucial for enhancing user experience, ensuring quality, and supporting agile development practices. Leverage the power of GUI testing tools to deliver exceptional applications that meet and exceed user expectations.

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