Fully Loaded Enterprise Grade Test Automation Suite.

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Test Automation Suite Features

Introducing No-Code Test Automation
with Sahi Pro Flowcharts!

Test Any Technology

Impeccably Smooth & Seamless Testing
  • 1
    Web Browsers
    Test any browser on any operating system with Sahi Pro.
  • 2
    Desktop Applications
    Test any Windows desktop applications (Java, WPF, Win32, WinForms, .NET, SilverLight, XBAP, UWP) & SAP.
  • 3
    Mobile Apps
    Test any iOS and Android, Native and Hybrid Applications.
Feature Overview

All the great features you'd expect + more.

Business Friendly Frameworks
Use No-Code Flowcharts or low-code Business Driven Test Automation (BDTA) framework to let your business analysts and non-technical professionals contribute towards testing.
Automatic Waits
Sahi Pro’s technology eliminates the need to wait for statements, even for inconsistent page loads. Sahi Pro’s tests are stable and do not fail because of timing issues.
Object Spy & Recorder
Sahi Pro identifies elements across technologies in simple yet stable ways. Sahi Pro works even on applications with dynamic IDs. Recorder and Object Spy take the guesswork out of scripting.
Simple & Powerful APIs
Easily identify elements, perform mouse, keyboard and touch actions, work with databases and files, interact with web, desktop, mobile, webservices and more.
Automatic Logging & Reporting
See complete information of script execution. From concise summaries and graphs to exact line of script failure in code, experience true end to end reporting. All logs are stored in database.
Parallel & Distributed Playback
You can club together thousands of Sahi Pro scripts in a suite file and let Sahi Pro execute them in parallel on one machine or distribute it across machines.
How features work

How this platform simplifies every aspect of test automation

  • Use Flowcharts for No-Code Test Automation

    Empower business testers to visually create and automate test flows. In Flowcharts, most programming patterns used in test automation have been distilled into a no-code interface. All the power of Sahi Pro, but without the code.
  • Or use the low-code spread-sheet like interface for creating & organizing automation scripts

    Use our Business Driven Test Automation (BDTA) spread-sheet like user interface and define the steps of your business flow. Then use the Run Recorder to record the interactions. Extract and add more data via the data wizard. Your script is ready in minutes. No programming expertise needed.
  • Build an automation suite with one click

    Just select all your scripts and right click to create a suite. Add tags, dependencies and data to the scripts. Use the Playback wizard to execute from UI or from command line or Continuous Integration systems.
  • Save over 70% time on execution

    Execute super quick as multiple threads on single machine or distributed across multiple machines. Sahi Pro takes care of dependencies to execute on the right nodes. Sahi automatically waits for the right time between steps, so no timing issues. If an element is not found, Sahi will look at the other attributes of the element from a previous run, and try to guess an alternative and proceed. Every thing is logged, so you can go and fix the script later.
  • Find out what caused failure with a single click (without opening all the scripts)

    Every step executed is logged along with the data to help reproduce issues easily. Sahi's suite analysis helps pinpoint those 5 lines of code which caused the failure of 157 different scripts. No more wasting precious morning time opening all failed scripts to check what the cause of failure is.  Historical reports are stored to allow quick comparison with previous run, so you can analyse variations in execution time, flaky modules etc. Reports are available in HTML, Excel, PDF and XML formats for easy integration and sharing with bug tracking systems.
  • Save enormous time on maintenance with granular-point-recording

    An element has changed? Change it in the Accessor Repository. A new flow step needs to be added? Use the Run/Recorder to automatically go upto the point and then record the new step. You can fix automation scripts in the same sprint as development.
  • Hire for "business skills" not "programming chops" when using Sahi Pro

    Sahi Pro does not need programmers. So your existing business testers can automate. Test automation does not stop because of the business tester who does not want to code, or the automation engineer who does not understand the domain. Sahi Pro aligns test automation with your business.
  • Minimize business impact when team members move on

    Remember the rockstar automation engineer who built and maintained your "framework"? Remember how your automation was scrapped when he quit? Sahi Pro has everything in-built so your complexity is minimum. Any team member should be able to contribute and continue with the automation.
  • Help is available whenever you need it

    Our empathetic support will help you at each stage of automation. Via email and online meetings, you will receive authoritative answers and support patches which will be rolled into the next releases. We are just an email away. No wasting time hunting around in forums or adapting patches with each release.
  • Automate any technology without the need to change anything

    No change needed. Sahi Pro supports web applications, Windows, Java and SAP desktop applications, Webservices and Mobile Android and iOS applications. Just install the add-on and start automating.
  • Easy integrations available for all popular vendors like Jenkins, AWS etc.

    Wizards help configure your Jenkins target. Guides and AWS CloudFormation templates help set up your cloud execution environment.  Integration with AWS Device Farm for mobile app testing. Everything is well documented.

Sahi Pro "gets" automation. It solves the real problems in test automation without resorting to fads and jargon. That is why over 1000 enterprises have been using Sahi Pro for multiple years now, to test and automate complex product lines which are mission critical for their end customers.

You'll be in good company.

Used by 1000+ enterprises worldwide. Simple to use and easy to learn. Tester-centric while being business-driven. A Test Automation Platform that truly understands your business needs.

Meet Our Customers
Test fast, launch faster

Have more questions? Drop us a line.

Sahi Pro offers a powerful suite of features to help you test quickly and go-to-market fast. The only thing faster than Sahi Pro is "Sahi Pro Support". We love to answer your questions.