Product Update
May 13, 2013

Sahi Pro V5.0 – What’s New?

Download Sahi Pro V5.0

Major Changes:

Detached Sahi Controller
The Sahi Controller is no longer tied to the same domain of the webpage that is being automated.
This fixes two problems:
1) multiple controllers opening up when navigating between domains/popup windows and
2) Controller not responding to some parts of the web page

External Proxy Configuration using proxy.pac file
Many organizations use a separate proxy.pac file to configure their complex proxy rules. Sahi now can be configured to use a proxy.pac file instead of a hardcoded external proxy.

Added support to specify suites inside a suite
Suites can now be included inside other suites, allowing easier management of suites.

Script parsing done via Rhino AST parser
Sahi has moved from its previous string based parsing to Rhino's AST parser. This allows formatting Sahi scripts in similar ways as normal JavaScript files. For example, multiple actions can now be written on a single line.

Parallel browser launching enabled from java driver
Multiple browser instances can now be launched using new Browser() instances. Previously this would cause clashes in browser profiles, which has now been fixed.

_setValue bug fixed for firefox 20+
We feel stupid, but the problem was that Firefox 20 was being identified as Firefox 2 by Sahi, and hence falling back to Firefox 2's event simulation mechanism. (Who anticipated Firefox 20 within 2 years?!) This has now been fixed.

Java 1.7 - Browser opening bug fixed
Browser launching was broken for people who moved to Java 1.7. We have fixed this now.

Proxy Configuration bug in IE10 x86 version Fixed
The proxy would be set and unset immediately on IE10 x86 version. This has now been fixed. Similar issue with Safari on Mac also is fixed.

Reporting Mechanism Optimized
The previous implementation stored execution steps in memory till the end of a script and then wrote to the database. In case of long running scripts, the memory requirements became large and if there were any OutOfMemoryErrors, the script would terminate without any logs, causing frustration and wastage. From this release, the logging is done directly to the database at each step itself, so there is no memory accumulation. Even if scripts abort in between, the logs are available till the last executed step.

Minor Changes:

Allow playback of scripts without refreshing page ("Use Start URL" checkbox added)
It has been a long time complaint from our users that Sahi refreshes the page before executing a script. We have now made this optional via a checkbox. If unchecked, the script can be set and played back without reloading the page.

Make Streaming configurable
To accommodate technologies like Comet and Server Push, we have added streaming_contenttypes.txt and streaming_urls.txt which specifically tell Sahi to stream the content without buffering.

Added Diagnose link to Dashboard
If a Sahi script waits for a long time without executing the next step, one can click on the Diagnose link on the Controller to dump the state of playback. It helps diagnose problems with Sahi indefinitely waiting for AJAX activity to subside.

Added Sahi version to Dashboard

Added feature to set java path automatically during installation of Sahi

Added setFile2 API to Sahi Java

Added Start URL in reports

New APIs added:

  • _verifyLayout: Allows verification of Page layout
  • _readLayout: Reads a simple csv like file of Sahi Elements and converts it into 2D array to be consumed by _verifyLayout
  • _includeOnce: For complex nested scripts, allows including library files only once.
  • _openWindow: Opens a new window at given resolution. Helps testing responsive layouts along with _verifyLayout
  • _windowAction: Used to perform maximize, minimize, focus, refresh, restore and close window on Windows

Download Sahi Pro V5.0

Complete Changelog

07 May 2013
Sahi Pro V5.0 released.

* Features

Parallel browser launching enabled from java driver.
Added Start URL in reports
Updated the API list for Notepad ++ plug-in.
scrollOffsets added to mouse events
Added setFile2 API to Sahi Java
Added diagnose link to Dashboard
Added Sahi version to Dashboard
Script parsing done via AST parser.
Added _windowAction API which can be used to perform maximize, minimize, focus, refresh, restore and close window
Added feature to set java path automatically during installation of Sahi.
User Agent added to initialized.htm
Added support to specify suites inside a suite.
Support provided for Microsoft SQL database.
_verifyLayout and _readLayout API created
Make Streaming configurable; added streaming_contenttypes.txt and streaming_urls.txt
_includeOnce API added
_openWindow API added
proxy selector with pac file
Allow playback of scripts without refreshing page ("Use Start URL" checkbox added)
Detached Controller implemented to allow easy recording via multiple domains/windows without opening multiple Controller windows
New playback mechanism using ping

* Bug fixes

Fixed identification of divs where each text is encapsulated by 2 divs
Fix for very slow performance of removeComments. Fixes slow loading.
Log Exception takes to the correct line number in script.
Script parsing error reporting fixed.
Fix _under in IE.
_under and _above fixed to take offsets on both sides
MySQL logging fixed
.js files fixed to be treated as single .sah file instead of .suite
HAR logging fixed
changes to terminate a load test, if the capacity is exhausted on all nodes
Fixed "Test->" assert of multiple lines from controller
Dsync fixed to copy scripts to nodes from master if master is not in list
Update of suite reports result in dload fixed
_setValue bug fixed for firefox 20
Suite report time taken format changed
fixed: reports dumped to FS
database table creation fixed
load runner fixed
Status and graph for drun fixed
drun logs for suites fixed
leftOf, RightOf fixed
domanifix with 2 parameters fixed
Fixed reports for csv based suites
test case reporting fixed
_takeScreenShot fixed
Linux certgen problem fixed

Download Sahi Pro V5.0

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