Narayan Raman from Tyto Software won Safari Books Online's Coder Challenge for his contribution to Sahi.
What followed was a day of good fun, interactions with the other winners, wine tasting at Kendell Jackson and Korbel wineries, a pleasant dinner and lots of discussions with Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media, Paige Mazzoni, VP marketing, Safari Books Online, and CJ Rayhill, senior VP, product management and technology, Safari Books Online.
Narayan Raman and the other winners also won a three month subscription to Safari Books Online.

Narayan Raman, Ashley Aberneithy, Tim O'Reilly, Aral Balkan and Arturo Fernandez-Sanchez

CJ Rayhill, Narayan Raman, Ashley Aberneithy, Tim O'Reilly, Aral Balkan, Arturo Fernandez-Sanchez and Paige Mazzoni
Press release: http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20100202005735&newsLang=en
Thank you Safari Books Online for the award and the excellent hospitality.
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