Test Automation
January 29, 2024

5 Best Process Automation Tools for Product Teams

A survey by McKinsey states that 60% of all jobs have at least 30% of technically automatable activities

McKinsey Survey

Process automation tools have revolutionized businesses' operations by eliminating manual and time-consuming tasks. Whether automating data entry, streamlining project management, or improving customer support, process automation tools have become essential for product teams looking to optimize their workflows.

This article will explore the best process automation tools for product teams in 2024, highlighting their features, ideal use cases, and pricing.

What is a Process Automation Tool?

A process automation tool is a software solution that automates repetitive and manual tasks within a business process. These tools use various technologies like robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation to replace or assist human effort in completing tasks. By automating these tasks, teams can save time, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity.

Process automation tools typically offer features such as:

  1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA): These tools use bots to perform tasks, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  2. Integrations: Seamless integration with other applications and platforms allows data exchange and collaboration.
  3. Scalability: The ability to handle multiple use cases and expand automation across different departments or processes.
  4. User-friendly interface: Intuitive interfaces that make it easy for non-technical team members to create and manage automation.

With these benefits in mind, let's explore the top 5 process automation tools for product teams in 2024.

1. Sahi Pro

Sahi Pro is a powerful process automation tool known for its simplicity and extensive features. It offers a low-code approach, making this tool accessible to technical and non-technical team members. With over ten years of experience, Sahi Pro is the top pick for global enterprises.

Key Features

  1. Low-code Automation: Sahi Pro allows users to automate processes without writing complex scripts, making it easy for non-technical team members to create and manage automation. With features like BDTA(Business Driven Test Automation), Powerful Recorder, Smart Identification, and Data Drive, it is easier to adopt and scale the automation process effortlessly. This significantly reduces the time required for automating the business processes.
  2. End to End Automation: Sahi Pro is adept in automating various technologies like Web, Web Services, Mobile, Desktop, SAP GUI and Java. Sahi Pro supports automation across various platforms and environments, ensuring compatibility and flexibility. It is also equipped with artificial intelligence based automation using Image Recognition and Optical Character Recognition. Evidently, Sahi Pro is a single tool to automate any type of application facilitating end-to-end business process automation.
  3. Low Maintenance: Sahi Pro requires minimal maintenance effort. Automated processes can be easily modified or updated as per changing requirements without extensive rework or debugging.
  4. Intuitive Reports: The tool provides detailed reports and debugging capabilities, allowing teams to identify and resolve issues quickly. 
  5. Integration Capabilities: Sahi Pro seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, enabling you to incorporate automation into your continuous integration workflow. This ensures your runs are automatically triggered providing quick feedback on the automated processes.

Ideal Use Cases 

  1. User Interface Testing: Sahi Pro is ideal for automating user interfaces, allowing teams to validate the functionality and performance of their web applications.
  2. Regression Testing: With Sahi Pro, teams can automate regression testing, ensuring that new updates and changes do not introduce unintended issues.
  3. Business Process Automation: Sahi Pro's no-code approach makes it suitable for automating end-to-end business processes, streamlining workflows, and improving efficiency.


Starting at $835/per year.

Start Free Trial - Sahi Pro

2. UI Path

UI Path is a leading process automation platform that offers a range of automation capabilities, including robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). With a user-friendly interface and extensive integrations, UI Path empowers product teams to automate complex tasks and processes efficiently. 

Key Features

  1. UI Path's visual interface allows users to create automation through a simple drag-and-drop approach, eliminating the need for complex coding.
  2. UI Path offers advanced RPA capabilities, enabling teams to automate repetitive tasks and workflows.
  3. UI Path integrates AI and ML technologies, enabling intelligent automation and decision-making.

Ideal Use Cases

  1. Data Entry and Migration: UI Path is well-suited for automating data entry and migration tasks, reducing errors, and improving data accuracy.
  2. Report Generation: With UI Path, teams can automate report generation processes, saving time and ensuring consistent output.
  3. Workflow Automation: UI Path's RPA capabilities make it an ideal tool for automating complex workflows, reducing manual effort, and improving efficiency.


Available on request.

3. Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere is a comprehensive process automation platform that combines RPA, AI, and analytics to automate repetitive tasks and complex workflows. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, Automation Anywhere empowers product teams to streamline processes and drive productivity.

Key Features

  1. Automation Anywhere's Bot Development Studio allows users to create and manage bots using a visual interface, simplifying the automation process.
  2. The platform integrates AI and ML technologies, enabling cognitive automation and intelligent decision-making.
  3. The platform prioritizes data security and offers enterprise-grade security features to protect sensitive information.

Ideal Use Cases

  1. Data Extraction and Processing: Automation Anywhere is well-suited for automating data extraction and processing tasks, improving accuracy and efficiency.
  2. Invoice Processing: With its cognitive automation capabilities, Automation Anywhere automates invoice processing, reducing manual effort and accelerating the payment process.
  3. Task and Workflow Automation: Automation Anywhere's RPA capabilities make it an ideal tool for automating repetitive tasks and complex workflows, freeing up time for more strategic work.


Available on request.

4. Blue Prism

Blue Prism is a leading process automation platform that offers enterprise-grade capabilities for automating business processes. Blue Prism focuses on scalability and security, enabling product teams to automate complex workflows easily.

Key Features

  1. Blue Prism's RPA capabilities enable teams to automate repetitive tasks and processes, reducing manual effort and improving efficiency.
  2. Blue Prism's Process Studio provides a visual interface for creating and managing automation, allowing teams to design workflows without extensive coding knowledge.
  3. Blue Prism's Control Room allows teams to monitor and manage automation from a centralized location, providing visibility and control.

Ideal Use Cases

  1. Finance and Accounting Automation: Blue Prism is ideal for automating finance and accounting processes, such as invoice processing and report generation, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  2. Customer Service Automation: With Blue Prism, teams automate customer service processes, such as ticket routing and response management, enhancing customer satisfaction and response times.
  3. Supply Chain Automation: Blue Prism's RPA capabilities make it suitable for automating supply chain processes, such as order management and inventory tracking, optimizing operations, and reducing manual effort.


Available on request.

5. Pega

Pega is a comprehensive process automation and customer engagement platform that enables product teams to automate and optimize their business processes. With its low-code approach and AI-powered capabilities, Pega empowers teams to drive efficiency and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Key Features

  1. Pega's low-code development approach allows teams to create and customize automation without extensive coding knowledge, accelerating development cycles.
  2. Pega leverages AI and machine learning technologies to enable intelligent automation, empowering teams to make data-driven decisions and optimize processes.
  3. Pega's analytics and optimization capabilities allow teams to monitor and improve their processes in real-time, identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Ideal Use Cases

  1. Customer Service Automation: Pega is well-suited for automating customer service processes, such as case management and issue resolution, enhancing customer satisfaction and response times.
  2. Marketing Automation: With Pega, teams automate marketing processes, such as campaign management and lead nurturing, improving efficiency and driving better results.
  3. Business Process Automation: Pega's low-code development approach makes it suitable for automating various business processes, from HR workflows to supply chain management.


Available on request


Process automation tools have become essential for product teams looking to streamline their workflows and drive efficiency. The top process automation tools for product teams in 2024 offer a wide range of features, from robotic process automation to artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. 

By implementing these tools, teams eliminate manual and repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and improve productivity. When choosing a process automation tool, consider factors like ease of use, scalability, integrations, and pricing to find the best fit for your team's needs. With the proper process automation tool, your product team can focus on more strategic initiatives and achieve tremendous success.

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