News and Events
January 16, 2018

2017 Review and Plans for 2018

Wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year! Here is a brief summary of what we did in 2017 and where we are headed in 2018.

What we added to Sahi Pro in 2017

  1. 2017 saw us launch Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on, our first non-browser automation product. Our customers have time and again mentioned automation of native desktop applications to complete their scenarios. We launched our Desktop Automation Add-on with support for Windows applications, Java applications and related technologies. So now the same Sahi script can interact with Desktop, browser and other technologies.
  2. Again, based on feedback from our customers, we added JavaScript Code Coverage reporting. Your application's code coverage is available with just a simple API to enable/disable code coverage reports.
  3. Another important piece, especially with the newer microservices architectures, is REST automation. While we had Sahi APIs to support REST APIs, it did not have a visual way of allowing testers to create tests. Our new Editor support for REST APIs allows testers to easily construct tests with verifications via a GUI. We also added support for OAuth 1 and OAuth 2. In OAuth2, one needs to use both the browser and the REST APIs to perform actions and Sahi can record and playback such scenarios.
  4. Better Java language support and better integration with Sahi's Framework: 10 years into the advent of automated testing, a majority of QA teams still believe they need to write lots of code to do testing. Since this "using Java" style of testing is still prevalent in many organizations big and small, and teams have invested in Java resources, we have been seeing teams using Sahi, but building frameworks to invoke Sahi from Java. To lessen the extent of reinvention of  the wheel - trying to build frameworks, distributed playback, logging etc. - we now added calling of Java methods from Sahi's scenario files. Now, Suites, Scenario files can be used but instead of implementing the Scenario keywords in JavaScript, they can use Java methods in Java classes.
  5. Editor made smarter with auto-complete, better context and easy Accessor Repository extraction: Accessor Repository (AR) is a place to keep all object/accessor identifiers. Often people write scripts without AR and then realize they may benefit from such a central accessor repository. It then becomes a manual effort of extracting identifiers and moving them into a separate file. There is also the task of de-duplication. All this is simplified by our AR extractor, which automatically extracts accessors from selected files and folders and moves them into specified Accessor Repository files. Apart from this, we also made some small additions to auto-complete and function extraction. Accessor Repository

Plans for 2018

  1. Sahi Pro Mobile Add-on for native mobile application automation. This is our highest priority this year and we’re working on releasing this by February.
Mobile Add-on for Native Mobile Application Automation
  1. Smarter reporting for easy analysis: While Sahi Pro simplifies creation and maintenance and enables fast reliable execution, one area that still consumes a lot of our customers' time is analyzing reports. Depending on how big the suite is, it may take more than half a day to analyze why specific failures happened. Are many scripts failing because a particular navigation is broken? Are most scripts failing because of a specific library function? Are many scripts failing because the browser became unresponsive? We intend to make such analysis much easier this year.
Smarter Reporting for easy analysis
  1. There are a bunch of other features which we are experimenting with which will make Sahi Pro handle more technologies, make execution environment setup easier, get intelligence around reporting and failure recovery, do better license management etc. We will keep you posted on these.
sahipro_1x2_surprises v1.2

And again, to all our customers and well wishers, a heart-felt thank you and wish you all a great year ahead!

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